Kristina Karg
Schulstraße 3
35625 Hüttenberg
Phone: (+49) 151 / 28026124
Steuernummer: 039 833 61 835
Ust-IDNr. DE323518260
Responsible for the content: Kristina Karg
EU Commission Platform for Online Dispute Resolution:
1. Content of online offering
The author does not undertake a guarantee of any kind for the up-to-date nature, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Claims of liability against the author relating to material or intellectual damages caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or the use of erroneous or incomplete information are fundamentally excluded to the extent to which the author cannot be proved to be deliberately or grossly negligent in behavior. All offers are conditional and non-binding. The author expressly retains the right to modify, supplement or delete the whole content without prior notice and to stop publication for a limited period or completely.
2. References and links
Liability will only arise for direct or indirect references to external internet pages (“links”) that lie outside the scope of responsibility of the author in the event that the author has knowledge of the content and it would be technically possible and reasonable to prevent its use in the case of unlawful content. The author therefore expressly states that the corresponding linked pages were free from illegal content at the time the link was created. The author has no influence whatsoever over the current and future design or content of the linked/embedded pages. He therefore expressly distances himself from all the content of all linked/embedded pages that have been changed since the link was created. This statement applies to all of the links and references used within the website and to third-party entries in the guest-books, discussion forums and mailing lists set up by the author. The providers of linked websites, and not those whose links simply point to the relevant publication, are solely liable for illegal, erroneous or incomplete content and in particular for damage incurred by the use or non-use of such information.
3. Copyright and licensing rights
The author makes every effort to comply with the copyrights of the graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts used in all publications or to fall back on graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts that do not require licenses.
All trademarks and brand names on the website that may be protected by third parties are subject without limitation to the provisions of the relevant law on trademarks and the ownership rights of the registered owner. Reference to a trademark should not be taken to mean that the trademark is not protected by third party copyright. The copyright for objects created and published by the author himself remains solely with the author of the pages. The reproduction or use of such graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the explicit agreement of the author.
4. Legal effectiveness of this disclaimer
This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the website from which this page was called up. If parts or individual wordings in this text do not, no longer or do not completely comply with the relevant legal situation the content and validity of other parts of this document remain unaffected.